Legal Representation


In California, a claim for defamation involves a false statement made by one person about another person, which causes harm to a person's property, business, profession or occupation, and was published to a third party.

The person who made the false statement must have done so negligently, recklessly or intentionally. The two types of defamation recognized by California are libel and slander.

Slander is a verbal defamatory statement, while libel is written.

Think you have been defamed? We can help you with the first line of action: a cease and desist letter.


Harassment is unlawful violence, such as an assault, battery or stalking; OR a credible threat of violence, AND the violence or threats seriously scare, annoy, or harass someone and there is no valid reason for it.

Generally, such conduct is unwelcome, and that is either severe or pervasive. The first line of action for harassment is a cease and desist letter, as described below.

Cease and Desist Letters

A cease and desist letter is a cautionary letter sent to an alleged wrongdoer describing the alleged misconduct and demanding that the alleged misconduct be stopped. This letter provides notice that legal action may and will be taken if the conduct in question continues.

If the cease and desist letter is ignored and the conduct continues, the next steps may involve litigating the matter in a court of law.

Demand Letters and Settlement Negotiation

Pre-litigation Matters

As a law firm, we can help you send a demand letter demanding that the recipient of the letter take or cease a certain action. This letter outlines the dispute between two opposing parties, and the purpose is to begin the negotiation process that will hopefully result in dispute resolution to avoid filing a claim in court if it is possible to resolve the issue without litigation.

When it comes to securing compensation after a loss, victims often decide to reach a settlement for their claim, as opposed to going to trial. Negotiations are a major part of two parties reaching a legal settlement. Reaching a successful settlement agreement involves determining an amount for the responsible party to pay in compensation. Deciding on that number typically includes a back-and-forth exchange with the two parties trading offers to reach an agreed-upon amount.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and reach the resolution you are aiming for.

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